
111 Game Reviews

23 w/ Responses

I liked the game BUT... is too dark.
My mother was abused by his father. Did she run away? did she commit suicide? She never forgot but she is human, and she needed to keep walking foward. Her traumas are with her, but you know what she did when that... man... was old? She took care of him. She payed for his elderly home with the nurses to take care of him. She visited his father once in a while... even if he abused her when she was a kid. He abused her sister too. But you know... she didn't lived with the darkness inside her. She's a happy woman... I'll never understand where she found the courage to forgive him. But she did. He was an horrible man. But she and her sister kept going. My mother is a english teacher, happy married and I'm her daughter, my aunt is both an arts teacher and a lawyer (she was able to study and get her second degree at the age of 45!) and she's married with a wonderful woman. WHERE IS THE HAPPY ENDING I KNOW ABOUT? This game sadly doesn't has it, and it hurts that it doesn't.

That was a beautiful game... loved it, and I also felt quite involved and sad with the end, amazing job, this is going to my favorites.

Amazing game, very creative and entertaining... really well thinked

Loved the game... but I can't go pass lvl 16! ):

Quite entertaining, I like it

The totem itself is amazing, as well the art... but there is no interactivity, I wish it was more as a "game" and you could click and do things with each part... instead of just being an image that could easly just be putted on the art gallery instead of making it a "game" (which, it actually, isn't)

I think the game is kind of glitched, in some parts, i click the right answer and nothing happends.. and then I click at the wrong ones, and nothing happends either, so it gets stuck :/

Very addicting

Good dame, but too short

This is so much fun

Age 31, Female

Santiago, Chile

Joined on 10/20/09

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