
111 Game Reviews

23 w/ Responses

It's such a tricky game Dx

Not a bad game, I must accept that at first I didn't knew what to do, I though I had to try to don't get trapped between the white pixels until I hit the space key to see if something happened and the I realised, LOL.

Fullzop responds:

I think I should have put a command screen instead of putting the commands in the description.

Nice game indeed, it's fun to play and the graphics are really nice.. at the end, when I just had like 3 seconds to make them, I was rushing as a crazy person.

I love kittys but this game was quite... boring. I mean, it would be fine if the cat was flying and moving, as well as the background.. but being in the same spot all the game didn't made things more interesting. I would make that my advise, to give it that movement and probably like that start to get levels and so.

I must say that some things on the game disturbed me: like the skin colors and that I couldn't take the tatto from the shoulder out (plus, they didn't seemed as tattos in the first place, somehow.. really bad graphics in that part). I apresiate that you could change many things on the girl and the background, though. But I must accept that the drawings made me lower my grade :(

marshmellows responds:

Yeah, this was my first dress up game. Very cartoony. I saw what you were talking about for the tattoos. It goes back to the cross when clicking again to take the paw print off. I might change that. Thanks for the review.

Looks really nice, I like that you can choose the color for everything and that you made separate the hair on the front and the back one. Really complete game, I wish I could choose the shoes as well, but anyway, is nice overall.

I didn't understood how to play it ._.

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